Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Vest Bumps and a Homeless Dude.

Vest Bumps and a Homeless Dude…. Columbus is starting out “The Year of Awesome” on a great note!

This blog isn't just about me, but about other people out there who are doing awesome things!  

Wow, I am so excited about both of these posts, I’m not even sure which one I want to talk about first!!!! Ok, I flipped a coin, Buckeyes won! And did they!!!!! 

Ok, I’m no football analyst, so I am not going to pretend to be one. But I am a buckeye fan, so I feel that is something I can throw my own two cents into.  Last night was an emotional roller coaster. I have to admit, my attitude toward the game was a bit lack luster during the day. It’s a Tuesday, for goodness sakes… I know, excuses, excuses. But either way, when kick off came around I was ready to cheer on my beloved Buckeyes. The loom and gloom “Sugar Bowl” commercial that aired right before the game didn’t put a good taste in my mouth. It just made OSU look like their entire program was about to crumble over the NCAA investigations. It was stupid and I feel blessed I only saw it once.

As for the game itself, I am not going to go into detail. If you care enough to know specifics, obviously you would know of much better blogs dedicated to the topic than this one. This blog is about AWESOMENESS, the follow are items that I personally saw as Awesome last night:

Photo from the Internet.
Good job to who ever actually
captured this awesome pic!

1)      Vest Bump! Any true Tressel fan knows the importance of this, unlikely, burst of excitement from our clean cut leader. As the song says, “And he’ll keep his hair in place”
2)      Gameball goes to... Cameron Heyward, who led Ohio State's impressive defensive performance, keeping Arkansas' offense in looking battered and bruised. He should get more than a game ball, he should have the MVP trophy. Hey, maybe Pryor will sell it to him…. (I know, I know he said he was sorry…. Over and over again)
3)      King Solomon! Wow oh Wow! Solomon Thomas brought tears to my eyes as he intercepted the ball with 58 seconds remaining.  As I stood in my living room watching what looked like OSU getting ready to lose to, yet again another SEC team. he came out of nowhere becoming an instant hero to the Buckeye Nation.
4)      Breaking Curses! Yes, not just one, but two curses were broken last night. 1 being finally beating an SEC team, the other being watching football at my house. For the past several years, every game that has been lost I have watched from my living room. I was starting to freak out yesterday as I had cancelled my plans with BFF, Cara Lawson. I just wasn’t going to be able to head to Columbus that late. (Remember, it’s a Tuesday) Nor did I want to watch it in Bellefontaine. I decided to chance it and watch with it at home. Thankfully, the curse of the living room was also broken last night!

This win means a lot more than a simple “W” on the list. There was a lot riding on this game. And tonight, one hell of a football game was played. As my head hit the pillow last night, I actually said to myself, “As visions of bowl games dance in their heads” – Great night to be a Buckeye, great night indeed! Never Graduate. 

The other AWESOME cbus story to report is of the “Golden Voice”. All together this is an awesome story, feel free to google it to get all the details. I am just proud that this story is coming from the streets of Columbus, literally. I don’t know if I have ever passed this man while driving my jeep around Columbus. I do know the amount of help that is being offered to this guy is so cool. There have been so many things offered to Ted Williams in the last 24 hours, including a full time job with the Cleveland Cavaliers! Hey, at least someone appreciates a job in Cleveland. Hopefully Ted sticks around and doesn’t take his talents to Miami Beach. It’s just a great, heart warming story straight out of Columbus. Hats of to the Columbus Dispatch who originally posted the story, then WNCI picked it up, and it spiraled from there! I hope that people who have offered to help that won’t get the opportunity to help this man directly, take their offers to other needed people in their communities.

Ted Williams - Early Show - Check out this clip from the CBS Early Show. I love to his pictures of him from just yesterday, to the good looking man with a sharp hair cut and clean sweatshirt that was one the news this morning! (Oh, yes, I used the word “Sharp” my mother would be so proud)

Here is to second chances Ted! I will gladly share "The Year of Awesome" with you!

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