Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What a Friend Wednesday!

I am introducing a new way to thank my friends for being just down right awesome! Drum roll please… What a Friend Wednesday!  TADA! Each Wednesday, I am going to showcase one of my friends and basically brag about how cool they are. J Feel free to steal this idea and brag about one of your friends on "What a Friend Wednesday" because it is just down right fun!

Who is my first guest for What a Friend Wednesday?
Miss Cara Lawson!

Cara is truly a “one of a kind” Southern Belle, who was born just a little too north of the Mason Dixon line. Cara and I are both HUGE Forrest Gump fans, which led to our common love of the Alabama football team. Now granted, we are both Buckeyes through and through and our Buckeye Pride is nothing we are to quick to hide, but we both wish ‘Bama a great football season and aren’t afraid to call out a Roll Tide from time to time.

Cara and I first met in the Spring of 2002, but we didn’t really become friends until fall quarter of 2003. Since becoming classmates, we have been co-workers, roommates, football watchers, cheesy fry eaters, pay it forwarders, Golden Girls watchers, sewing machine breakers and all around best good friends. She is always up for a good competition such as a quick footrace or kicking contest. Unfortunately, she hasn’t yet learned that I am faster than her and can kick higher than her as well, but hey, she can’t turn down a challenge. We once tried to learn an entire quarters’ worth of chemistry in one night and managed to bring our poor soil science teacher, Dr. Brian Slater to complete and obvious frustration with our attempted lab work.

One of my favorite things about Cara is her sweet poetry skills. She can write a fancy poem on just about any topic. She once wrote a poem for Jimmy John’s subs and I think she was given the prize reward of a Jimmy John’s sandwich. She once wrote me a poem because I “Cleaned my room and she thought that deserved a poem”.  She also has great negotiating talents. When we were roommates, she would come into my always messy room and ask if I was “having a garage sale”, minutes later she would return to my room with some sort of treasure she would like to trade.

Something I admire about Cara is her professionalism. Many of you know the only thing I take truly seriously is Theology. With a few exceptions, such as what she and I like to call “Mustache Monday”, Cara is as professional as they come. Cara takes her career very seriously and is an excellent example to her friends and colleagues. Her work at the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation is top notch. Each year, along with her staff of interns, she successfully runs the Ag and Horticulture Building at the Ohio State Fair. This is no easy task by any means, however each year this project is done to it's greatest potential.

When trying to figure out just what to say about Cara, it was really hard to pick this story or that story. We have just had so many great times together. It was just to difficult to try to pick just a few! Cara and I have this amazing ability to laugh in almost any situation. She is a great gal and I am blessed beyond blessed to consider her my best friend from college. She and I are kindred spirits through and through and I look forward to even more shenanigans with her!